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This is to function as a list of Bugs currently in Let It Die along with workarounds and comments from developers on the bugs where applicable.

Currently Known Bugs

Name Description What it affects What it effects specifier When it occurs Workarounds Comments from Developers
(Simple title) (Full) (Generally, as a page name) (Specifically) (Cause/Requirements) (Working or possible) (What they've said.)
Disappearing JIN-DIE Glitch When the JIN-DIE Mid-Boss battle on Floor 16 - Kaga starts JIN-DIE will starrt to teleport, but will not reappear. JIN-DIE can still be seen on your minimap if you have Treasure Hunter, and if you go to the location there will be an invisible JIN-DIE that you can push around by walking into it, however you will not be able to cause any damage to her. JIN-DIE When the Boss Cut Scene occurs.

It's been suggested that getting to this fight after being on a highed floor will cause the glitch to occur.

There are no workarounds for this. You will simpily need to kill your fighter or quit to main menu.
Dead Body Glitch When this occurs a dead body can have an invisible obstacle obove it which can obstruct your character.

This could apparently occur previously, but it appears that it happens much more frequently with the 1.05 patch.

Dead Enemies It randomly occurs to any dead screamer.

Videos of the bug:



Sometimes removing a Mushroom from a corpse will make the obstacle go away.
Kill Enemies with Lightning Weapons Enemies killed are not counted towards the quest. Quests Quest #132: Element Limit #005 None
Kill 10 Enemies in a row with a Cleaver Cleavers cause Poison Damage which resets the counter for the 10 kills needed for this quest. Quests Quest #110: Special Weapon #025 Only attack enemies that you can kill in 1 hit.

Basically go to Floor 1 and kill the enemies there (Avoid the Hater as it's generally too tough to 1-hit-kill and if it gets hit by poison damage it will reset the quest counter).

Taro Gunkanyama Floor Glitch Taro will do an impalement move, afterwards he will toss you far away from him. When you hit the ground, there's a chance you will get partially stuck inside the floor. You won't be able to do anything and it's up to Taro to deglitch you. Taro Gunkanyama The only chance for you to escape is if Taro uses his rocket attacks on you, which will lift you up off the ground. Melee attacks won't damage you.

Fixed Bugs

These are old bugs that have been confirmed to have been fixed.

Name Description What it affects What it effects specifier When it occurs When it was fixed
(Simple title) (Full) (Generally, as a page name) (Specifically) (Cause/Requirements) (Working or possible)
GOTO-9 Vomit Glitch When this glitch occurs you will constantly fall over whenever you try to move about the level. GOTO-9 Fixed in Patch 1.07
Kill All Enemies Quests In Quests which require you to kill or defeat all of the Enemies on one or several floors, there is a bug in which the player's progress on the quest will be invalidated if/when a Hater or Hunter kills any enemies on the floor. Because the Hater and Hunter AI is programmed to attack all nearby enemies after they are activated by player proximity, and the fact that most Haters and Hunters faced are much stronger than individual enemies, it is often nearly impossible to complete any of these quests, whose completion is often very rewarding. Quests "Kill All Enemies" Quests When a Hater or Hunter kills an enemy. This type of bug was fixed in Patch 1.05
Collect Brainshrooms Collected Brainshrooms are not counted towards the quest. Quests Quest #174: Mushroom Finding #014 This bug was fixed in Patch 1.06 when the correct mushroom name was added to the quest.
Collect Fish Collected Fish are not counted towards the quest. Quests Quest #194: Beast Hunting #005 This bug was fixed in Patch 1.06.
Kill Reversal Tuber Mk-1 x3 Reversal Tuber Kills are not counted towards the quest. Quests Quest #30: Hunting TUBERS #009 This bug was fixed in Patch 1.06.
KEIRAN-JIMA Missing Screamers Quest 003 requires you to kill 20 Screamers in KEIRAN-JIMA. However there are no screamers in KEIRAN-JIMA, only a single Hunter. Quests Quest #003: Hunting SCREAMER #003 This bug was fixed in Patch 1.06. The quest now asks you to kill screamers in TAGAHARA.


Let It Die Official Support Page

Let It Die Developer Bug Reporting Page

Reddit Thread for Bug Reporting - Read and responded to by GungHo employee.

Reddit user GungHoAntonio - Employee at GungHo who comments with information from developers about bugs.
