Fishy Fungus

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Fishy Fungus
"Feeds on dead Fish. Only the tip can be eaten. This hallucinatory mushroom is smelly but tasty."
When Eaten EFFConfusion.png Confusion
Eaten Raw Bonus EFFHP.png 20 HP EXP ico.jpg 10 EXP
Effect Time 15 Seconds/Stack
When Thrown EFFConfusion.png Confusion
Effect Time 15 Seconds/Stack
Sell KC.png 10 KC
When Eaten EFFConfusion.png Confusion
Eaten Cooked Bonus EFFHP.png 30 HP EXP ico.jpg 20 EXP
Effect Time 25 Seconds/Stack
When Thrown EFFConfusion.png Confusion
Effect Time 25 Seconds/Stack
Sell KC.png 10 KC
Fishy Fungus1.png
Grilled Fishy Fungus1.png
Fishy Fungus2.png
Grilled Fishy Fungus2.png

This mushroom is found in Fish (not the Goggly Boleo) in the Tower of Barbs. Once a Fish is killed the mushroom will grow and lift the body of the Fish out of the water. This makes it easier to locate in the event you or an enemy accidentally kill a Fish.

The Golden Fishy Fungus is a stronger version dropped by Golden Fish.


  • Much more useful than its counterpart, the Boleoshroom since the Fishy Fungus is a guaranteed Confusion status inflicter when thrown.
  • Helpful for crowd control if you find yourself surrounded by Haters and or Screamers. This will cause them to fight each other, giving you time to run, heal or counterattack.
  • Since the Fishy Fungus effect stacks, this mushroom can be used effectively against the Jackals individually by locking them in a state of Confusion. It will allow you to attack them as they wander around without them focusing on you.
  • Unfortunately, due to the introduction of the Goggly Boleo, the original Fish are not as commonly encountered anymore.


No. Difficulty Name Category Detail Reward Repeat Reward
175 ★★ Mushroom Finding #015 Collect Collect Fishy Fungus x10 in the tower. SkillS.png Silver Skillshroom KC.png 1000 KC
194 ★★ Beast Hunting #005 Collect Capture Fish x10 in the tower. Golden Fish KC.png 1000 KC
