Reward Box

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The Reward Box can be found in the Waiting Room between the Storage Chest and the Fighter Freezer.

Items that appear in the Reward Box can be either

  • Daily Login Bonus
  • Quest Rewards
  • Items from bought DLCs

Additionally, if your Direct Hell Express pass expires and any of your Fighters have items in the extra 10 slots, they will also be returned to the Reward Box.


Icon Reward
Reward killcoins.png Kill Coins
Reward splithium.png SPLithium
Reward deathmetal.png Death Metal
Reward consumables.png Consumables

Shrooms and other edible items such as Meat

Reward decal.png Skill Decals
Reward metal.png R&D Materials
Reward sole.png Shelter items

Transport you to safety from anywhere

Reward express1day.png Direct Hell Express passes