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I think the "max stats" columns should be "Minimum Max Stats" as there is level variance in the fighters. Thoughts?

To be honest I dont think it should be renamed. Or at least not have the name Min Max Stats, because then that implies theres a Max Max Stats and that's just silly.
Maybe we could use something like "Maximum Base Stats" and make it a bit more clear that anything over the max level is a random bonus that you get when you buy the character and as such, will not be shown on the fighter table.
I think "max max" stats makes sense in the same way "like like" makes sense. I propose that the max stats column be changed to "Max Stats (Min/Max)" or "Max Stats (Low/High)", or even "Fully Leveled (Min/Max)" to avoid the "max max" confusion. The contents of the column would take the form of "{maxed stat at lowest cap}/{maxed stat at highest cap}". This has the added benefit of helping users decide whether rerolling for that elusive "perfect" fighter is actually worth it, though it won't do anything to inform them of how unlikely simultaneous perfect stats are. It would break copy+pasting to spreadsheets, but if the user is so inclined the fix is as simple as a text replacement of '/' with their chosen column delimiter.
Since we're collecting step data and base stats, the calculation is a straightforward (base+(cap-1)*step). Working on data gathering now, but the higher levels are a bit expensive to buy all at once.
I also suggest indicating the lowest and highest rolls in the "Unlocking New Ranks" section, given that it already indicates minimum and maximum levels. IIRC dev haters are at or near max level, but I don't really remember the caps other than [21,25] for G5s. The equality is max level = cap*6-5, and equivalently cap = (max level + 5)/6, if you have the data and want to add it. This does of course only apply if all stats can be capped at once, which may or may not be even technically true, as noted below.
If you get a non-integer value, then it's possible devs aren't actually fully capped or that only a certain number of bonus points are possible, in which case the next whole number should be taken to reflect the lowest possible cap for the highest capped stat.
Given the age of the comments as indicated by the change history, if nobody objects I may make these changes myself when I get around to collecting more data and making edits. Even if I don't collect much, the format change might encourage others to "fill in the blanks".
Crusyx (talk) 02:00, 11 April 2017 (UTC)