Armor Skins

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Armor Skins are a cosmetic feature that allow you to customize the appearance of your Fighter. At Choku-Funsha, once you've upgraded a piece of armor to +4, it will become available as an armor skin, and can be selected as such from the Armor Skins menu in the shop. Armor Skins cosmetic only, worn on top of your real armor, keeping the stats of your current equipment but the appearance of the Armor Skin. This can be done at any Choku-Funsha shop in the tower, including in Battle To The Top and Tengoku.

Armor Skins are only visible on your active Fighter. You need to be wearing actual armor for the skins; they will not appear if naked. Defenders, Hunters or Haters will have the appearance of their true armor set, and the Results page for both Tower floors and TDM raids will as well. On the Options Menu, you will see your chosen skins over your fighter preview, but there will be camouflage icons on the left notating that some pieces are skins. As the name implies, this cosmetic change is only possible for Armor, not Weapons. There is no cost associated with using these skins, they can be changed freely from the shop at any time.

The only pieces unable to be used as Armor Skins are the Class Masks, as they have no blueprint to upgrade. However, the Tengoku Class Masks have the same appearance as the originals, and can be upgraded to +4, allowing skins of their designs to be used.