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You ever play for a week straight without eat, without rest, without anything? Yeah. That's what I'm doing now. It's pro status.
— Meijin on his gaming habits

Meijin is an elite gamer whose gaming skills are second to none. He spends his time in the HATED ARCADE along with Uncle Death and Naomi, engrossed in maintaining his high score and winstreak on one of the arcade games. His main role is to dispense MEIJIN TIPS to the player in his few moments of downtime - if he looks your way, then he's got a tip to show you. All tips are stored alongside the rest of his messages in the Underworld Rolodex.

Barb's Bible describes him as:

21 years old. A pro gamer, contracted as a character for the official image of the DEATH DRIVE. He is proficient in many games, and has already cleared this one 6 times. He's usually busy playing fighting games, but will give the player various hints during the game.



Meijin is a lanky young man with pale skin and a very prominent outfit. He wears large, full-rimmed square glasses, simple blue jeans, black loafers with gray socks, a pink SILPHEED T-shirt, and a fingerless glove on his right hand only. More notably, he wears a glossy silver jacket and plastic pieces of red and blue body armor over his shoulders, upper arms, knees, and lower legs. He wears a black DEATH DRIVE 128 cap, and a red bandana with dotted white stripes wrapped around his forehead, both of which work to contain a his most distinctive feature - a massive, brown-haired curly afro. This deceptively large hairdo is revealed once he takes off his cap to dispense Meijin Tips, which he does by reaching inside his afro and pulling out a capsule with the tip inside. Whether Meijin's afro always contains capsules, or the amount it can hold at once is never made clear.

Meijin's likeness can be seen in various poses on his Meijin Tips, and Meijin is featured with these poses on the Pro Tip series of 5★ Decals. His glasses, hat, bandana and afro can be worn by players who own the event-exclusive Meijin Head armor.


Meijin is a stereotype of gaming culture. His dialogue portrays him as the type of "pro gamer" typically regarded as socially undesirable, due to their extreme obsession with the medium. Meijin constantly obsesses over and takes great pride in his score and his winstreak, to the point that he uses them as justification for dismissing nearly any attempt of interaction with him. He alludes to several other exaggerated stereotypes, such as that he used to live in his Mom's basement, how he's a virgin, him being a girl expert despite this, and how he games so hard for so long that he'll forgo eating, drinking, sleeping, the bathroom, and the motor function of both of his legs, just so he can keep gaming. Ironically, he'll complain that the *player* has bad breath. His exaggerated traits can certainly give off an air of self-importance and narcissism. Meijin is a "gamer" to such an extent that there's not too much else to his personality - gaming *is* his personality. Despite how it may sound like Meijin may have no particularly redeeming qualities, there is one thing - as he recognizes the player as a fellow "gamer", Meijin will still give them tips to help them progress through LET IT DIE. Personally branded, somewhat egotistical-looking tips, but tips nonetheless.




  • "Oh, are you gonna play? LET IT DIE? Oh yeah, I know. That game is amazing. Wait... hold on, hold on! I'm on a 100-win streak right now. Hit me up later." - Speaking to Meijin for the first time.
  • "Oh are you playing that? Let me know if you have any questions. I'll give you some tips if I have the time." - Speaking to Meijin for the second time.
Giving Tips
  • "Huh? Yeah, sure, I can talk now. I can beat this guy with my eyes closed. Here, I'll give you a tip."
  • "Yeah, sure, I can chat. I just let this guy win the first two rounds. Here, I got a tip for you."
  • "Yeah, yeah, speak your words. I just finished the game anyway. You want some tips? Here they are."
  • "Go ahead and speak to me. I've already memorized the pattern for this part. Here's your tip."
  • "OK, I've got eight frames to talk. I just landed my ultra combo. Here's your tip."
While Gaming
  • "Wait... hold on, hold on! I'm on a 100-win streak right now. Hit me up later."
  • "Hold on! I'm right in the middle of this boss fight."
  • "What? Hold on, I'm right in the middle of this combo."
  • "Yeah just, wait a sec, this area is super hard!"
  • "Close your face, I'm just about to get the max score here!"
  • "Dude dude dude! I'm in the middle of a perfect run!"
  • "Shut it! I'm on a 100-win streak right now."
  • "Oh, bad breath, zip it! I'm on a 200-win streak right now."
  • "I hate tuna breath. I'm on a 300-win streak right now."
  • "My win streak is gonna make the pyramids look like anthills."
  • "My win streak's gonna make the Mississippi's power look like a butterfly. Yeah, butterfly."
  • "My win streak's gonna be written about in sonnets and poetry for like a long time."
  • "Girls, hehe. I've had em all. Yeah, I've gotten laid like hundreds of times... virtually in video games, but it's better... I think. Yeah it's better."
  • "Huh, making fun of me cuz I'm a virgin, and... So what man? I don't need girls. Look at my win streak. Look at my score."
  • "Kick me out of the basement. Look at me now mom!"
  • "Look at me now mom!"
  • "You ever play for a week straight without eat, without rest, without anything? Yeah. That's what I'm doing now. It's pro status."
  • "You ever play for so many weeks that you're so hungry and thirsty, and you really gotta pee? Yeah. That's what I'm doing right now."
  • "You ever played for so long without any food, without any drink, and you just gotta play through the pain? Yeah, yeaaaaah. Can't feel my legs right now. But I don't need my legs. Just need my hands."
  • "Playing games is just like pleasing a woman. You gotta... yeah, you gotta push the right buttons, gotta, gotta hit them combos, sometimes you have to duck... Yeah, combos."


Meijin Tips





Also appears in

In No More Heroes 3 there is a character called Master Gida who appears in the menus giving various tips and his portrait and behavior resembles Meijin.