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13 13


Payback P.png
14 14

Category Special Strengthening
Non-P. Lost Bag Rainbow.png Lost Bag (Rainbow)
Sell (N) KC.png 600
Premium MushroomClubIcon.png Mushroom Stew
Recycle Points RE.png 50000
Sell (P) KC.png 20000
Released Base Game (Ver.1.0)

Store up to 20% of damage taken and add that amount to your next attack. The stored damage is reset after attacking. Received damage can be stored up to 20%.


Unlike many decals that have a a non-premium and premium version, this decal doesn't actually stack in any capacity so just using one is best.


Practically trying to use this on a fighter is a dangerous idea, it encourages you to take damage to deal it back which is not a playstyle that is sustainable, especially when the damage it outputs is nowhere near enough to make up for what you take. The only class that can do this sustainably is a Defender and they lack damage as it is, you should never seriously play this class to climb with yourself and choose one more suited to climbing without using this decal (such as All-Rounder, Attacker or Striker).

If ever fighting this decal yourself, you can block the Payback hit to massively reduce the damage received from the attack as it only applies to the first instance of damage.


On defense, this decal shines as it can be used with many different weapons to make it extremely difficult for a raider not to die when attacking your fighters. The best weapon to use Payback is the Stun Gun as this weapon sticks a probe to a target hit, constantly doing damage to them. This means that for the entire duration it is stuck to the raider, if they ever damage that defender, they will receive the payback damage on the next damage tick. This is highly lethal when it works and usually can instantly kill anyone raiding with an Attacker so be careful if you see this yourself.


Yotsuyama Haters who can spawn with this decal include: