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Predator 4.png
Rage Move Meat is Murder — A powerful slash attack.
Guard Power B
Stamina C
Rage Cost 1
Faction D.O.D. ARMS

The Predator is a powerful Chopper and one of the very rare TENGOKU Weapons, as the blueprint may only be found there. The blueprint can be rarely obtained from silver chests throughout Tengoku, as well as any chests dropped by haters.

It may be available in the Bloodnium Exchange (as a weapon, not a blueprint) for BL.png 3000.

Decal Effect
Local Butcher ★★★★
Special Strengthening
Chopper + Happy Wheeler armor bonus.
Equip 1 piece: Attack Power +10%. Equip 2: +20%. Equip 3: +40%.
Full set: Screamers, Haters, and Hunters may drop Barbmeat Half Portion when defeated.
Chopper Addict ★★★★
Special Strengthening
Attack Power +30% for Choppers.

NOTE: Helmet bonus does not count towards meeting the requirement for being able to use gear.


Predator 4.png Predator ★★★★★★★ (Faction: D.O.D. ARMS)
Level Required ATK Materials SPL Cost R&D Time Durability KC Cost Restock
Base HP.png HP 9800 6494 Copper8.png Orichalcum x4, Oil8.png Fatback x4, Tuber1.png Scratch Metal x20,
DOD 44CE.png D.O.D. ARMS 44CE Metal x6, DOD Platinum.png D.O.D. ARMS Platinum Metal x2
SPL.png 240000 006:00 8400 KC.png 100000 010:00
+1 HP.png HP 9996 6623 Copper8.png Orichalcum x5, Oil8.png Fatback x5, Tuber1.png Scratch Metal x20,
DOD 44CE.png D.O.D. ARMS 44CE Metal x8, DOD Platinum.png D.O.D. ARMS Platinum Metal x3
SPL.png 252000 007:00 8568 KC.png 105000 010:00
+2 HP.png HP 10195 6756 Copper8.png Orichalcum x6, Oil8.png Fatback x6, Tuber1.png Scratch Metal x20,
DOD 44CE.png D.O.D. ARMS 44CE Metal x10, DOD Platinum.png D.O.D. ARMS Platinum Metal x4
SPL.png 264600 008:00 8739 KC.png 110250 010:00
+3 HP.png HP 10399 6891 Copper8.png Orichalcum x7, Oil8.png Fatback x7, Tuber1.png Scratch Metal x20,
DOD 44CE.png D.O.D. ARMS 44CE Metal x12, DOD Platinum.png D.O.D. ARMS Platinum Metal x5
SPL.png 277830 009:00 8914 KC.png 115762 010:00
+4 HP.png HP 10607 7029 Copper8.png Orichalcum x8, Oil8.png Fatback x8, Tuber1.png Scratch Metal x20,
DOD 44CE.png D.O.D. ARMS 44CE Metal x14, DOD Platinum.png D.O.D. ARMS Platinum Metal x6
SPL.png 291721 010:00 9092 KC.png 121550 010:00
Damage Type
  • 100% Slashing.png Slash

Total Materials

Blueprint Locations

  • Predator
    • Can be found in TENGOKU in Silver/Gold Chests found from Haters or on the floor.


  • Predator has built-in Vampire.
  • Like the Longsword, the Chopper has a two big horizontal swing attack string—good coverage with good damage.
  • If you want damage with your poison, the Pork Chopper is the weapon for you. Beware of Poison Eater decals though.
  • The Brain Chop, unlocked at Mastery rank 6, is a big vertical chop. It's useful for hitting and finishing off downed opponents, but has a LOT of recovery even on hit.
  • The Raging Slash, unlocked at Mastery rank 10, is an alternate 2nd attack that knocks the opponent away. It is a bit slower because its a delayed 2nd attack, so beware.
  • The rage move, Meat is Murder, is a single massive horizontal strike that does great damage, similar to the Katana's rage move, but with only the 1 bar cost.
  • The Predator is one of five TENGOKU weapons to deal more damage when at full durability than their original, fully uncapped counterparts.
    • The other four are the Dominion, Lethal Weapon, Muspelheim, and Ouroboros.
    • Out of these five, only the Predator greatly succeeds at outdamaging its alternative (the Zombie Chopper + Uncapped) due to dealing 1192 more damage for each swing.
  • This weapon has a 5% degradation rate.

Mastery Levels

Meijin Tip
Meijin scrapbook.png Like a Butcher's

You got a Chopper weapon? It's a little unwieldy but its 2-attack combo is simple to master. Up the Mastery Level and you'll get a vertical attack as well, good for delivering a finishing blow. Wonder how many enemies I've got with this...

Level ABP Bonus Effect
1 0 Starting Rank.
2 5 MAtk.png Atk Power +1 Attack Power increased by 5%.
3 100 MAtk.png Atk Power +2 Attack Power increased by 10%.
4 200 MRage.png Rage Move +1 Rage Move Power increased by 10%.
5 300 MStamina.png Stamina Loss -1 Stamina Consumption reduced by 10%.
6 400 MSkill.png Atk 1: Skill Unlocked New Move! Brain Chop L1 or R1.
7 550 MAtk.png Atk Power +3 Attack Power increased by 17%.
8 700 MGore.png Gore Bonus 1 Goretastic Attack EXP increased by 10%.
9 850 MAtk.png Atk Power +4 Attack Power increased by 24%.
10 1050 MSkill.png Atk 2: Perfect Atk Unlocked New Move! Raging Slash
L2 or R2 at combo level 2.
11 1250 MRage.png Rage Move +2 Rage Move Power increased by 25%.
12 1450 MAtk.png Atk Power +5 Attack Power increased by 31%.
13 1700 MGore.png Gore Bonus 2 Goretastic Attack EXP increased by 30%.
14 1950 MStamina.png Stamina Loss -2 Stamina Consumption reduced by 20%.
15 2200 MAtk.png Atk Power +5 Attack Power increased by 41%.
16 2500 MGore.png Gore Bonus 3 Kill Coins from Goretastic Attacks increased by 30%.
17 2800 MStamina.png Stamina Loss -3 Stamina Consumption Reduced by 30%.
18 3100 MRage.png Rage Move +3 Rage Move Power increased by 45%.
19 3450 MAtk.png Atk Power +7 Attack Power increased by 51%.
20 3800 MAtk.png Atk Power +8 Attack Power increased by 61%.

Rank 20 Bonus Summary

  • Attack Power increased by 61%.
  • Rage Move Power increased by 45%.
  • Stamina Consumption reduced by 30%.
  • EXP and Kill Coins from Goretastic Attacks increased by 30%.
  • L1/R1 Move: Brain Chop. This is a powerful strike that leaves you vulnerable to attack for a few seconds after use.
  • Combo Extension: Raging Slash.