Rogue Leggings

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Rogue Leggings

Rogue Set 1 F.png

Rogue Set 2 F.png

Rogue Set 3 F.png

Rogue Set 4 F.png

Slash +009% Blunt -005% Piercing -005%
Fire -005% Electric -005% Poison 000%
Degradation N/A
Faction Candle Wolf

Leg Armor piece of the Rogue Set.

Decal Effect
Bandit ★★★★
Special Strengthening
Crossbow + Rogue armor bonus.
Equip 1 piece: Crossbow critical hit rate +10%. Equip 2: +20%. Equip 3: +30%.
Full set: Slightly decreases reload time.

NOTE: Helmet bonus does not count towards meeting the requirement for being able to use gear.

Rogue Leggings

Rogue Leggings 4.png Rogue Leggings (Faction: Candle Wolf)
Level Required DEF Materials SPL Cost R&D Time Durability KC Cost Restock
Base HP.png HP 200 40 Fiber1.png Cotton x1 SPL.png 5 000:01 687 KC.png 1180 000:01
+1 HP.png HP 204 46 Fiber1.png Cotton x1 SPL.png 7 000:03 721 KC.png 1239 000:02
+2 HP.png HP 208 53 Fiber1.png Cotton x1 SPL.png 10 000:05 757 KC.png 1300 000:03
+3 HP.png HP 212 62 Fiber1.png Cotton x1, Iron1.png Iron Scraps x1 SPL.png 14 000:07 795 KC.png 1365 000:04
+4 HP.png HP 216 72 Fiber1.png Cotton x2, Iron1.png Iron Scraps x2 SPL.png 21 000:09 835 KC.png 1434 000:05
Total Materials

Rogue Leggings S

Rogue Leggings S 4.png Rogue Leggings S ★★ (Faction: Candle Wolf)
Level Required DEF Materials SPL Cost R&D Time Durability KC Cost Restock
Base HP.png HP 280 102 Iron2.png Wire Mountain x1, Fiber1.png Cotton x1, CW Green.png Candle Wolf Green Metal x1 SPL.png 500 000:10 687 KC.png 3140 000:08
+1 HP.png HP 285 116 Iron2.png Wire Mountain x1, Fiber1.png Cotton x1, CW Green.png Candle Wolf Green Metal x1 SPL.png 775 000:15 721 KC.png 3297 000:10
+2 HP.png HP 291 132 Iron2.png Wire Mountain x1, Fiber1.png Cotton x1, CW Green.png Candle Wolf Green Metal x1 SPL.png 1201 000:20 757 KC.png 3461 000:12
+3 HP.png HP 297 151 Iron2.png Wire Mountain x2, Fiber1.png Cotton x1, CW Green.png Candle Wolf Green Metal x1 SPL.png 1861 000:25 795 KC.png 3634 000:14
+4 HP.png HP 303 172 Iron2.png Wire Mountain x3, Fiber1.png Cotton x1, CW Green.png Candle Wolf Green Metal x1 SPL.png 2886 000:30 835 KC.png 3816 000:16
Total Materials

Dark Rogue Leggings

Dark Rogue Leggings 4.png Dark Rogue Leggings ★★★ (Faction: Candle Wolf)
Level Required DEF Materials SPL Cost R&D Time Durability KC Cost Restock
Base HP.png HP 1200 700 Iron4.png Steel x2, Fiber1.png Cotton x2, Tuber1.png Scratch Metal x2, CW Red.png Candle Wolf Red Metal x2 SPL.png 25000 001:20 687 KC.png 14470 000:30
+1 HP.png HP 1224 826 Iron4.png Steel x2, Fiber1.png Cotton x2, Tuber1.png Scratch Metal x2, CW Red.png Candle Wolf Red Metal x2 SPL.png 26250 001:40 721 KC.png 15193 000:35
+2 HP.png HP 1248 974 Iron4.png Steel x2, Fiber1.png Cotton x2, Tuber1.png Scratch Metal x3, CW Red.png Candle Wolf Red Metal x3 SPL.png 27562 002:00 757 KC.png 15953 000:40
+3 HP.png HP 1273 1150 Iron4.png Steel x3, Fiber1.png Cotton x2, Tuber1.png Scratch Metal x4, CW Red.png Candle Wolf Red Metal x4 SPL.png 28940 002:20 795 KC.png 16750 000:45
+4 HP.png HP 1298 1357 Iron4.png Steel x4, Fiber1.png Cotton x2, Tuber1.png Scratch Metal x5, CW Red.png Candle Wolf Red Metal x5, WE Blue.png War Ensemble Blue Metal x3 SPL.png 30387 002:40 835 KC.png 17588 000:50
Total Materials

Dark Rogue Leggings S

Dark Rogue Leggings S 4.png Dark Rogue Leggings S ★★★★ (Faction: Candle Wolf)
Level Required DEF Materials SPL Cost R&D Time Durability KC Cost Restock
Base HP.png HP 6000 1764 Iron5.png Ultra-pure Iron x4, Fiber1.png Cotton x2, CW Red.png Candle Wolf Red Metal x2, Tuber1.png Scratch Metal x3 SPL.png 79000 003:00 687 KC.png 19930 001:00
+1 HP.png HP 6120 1905 Iron5.png Ultra-pure Iron x4, Fiber1.png Cotton x2, CW Red.png Candle Wolf Red Metal x2, Tuber1.png Scratch Metal x3 SPL.png 82950 004:00 721 KC.png 20926 001:10
+2 HP.png HP 6242 2057 Iron5.png Ultra-pure Iron x4, Fiber1.png Cotton x2, CW Red.png Candle Wolf Red Metal x2, Tuber1.png Scratch Metal x3, Iron6.png Special Steel x1 SPL.png 87097 005:00 757 KC.png 21972 001:20
+3 HP.png HP 6367 2222 Iron5.png Ultra-pure Iron x4, Fiber1.png Cotton x2, CW Red.png Candle Wolf Red Metal x2, Tuber1.png Scratch Metal x4, Iron6.png Special Steel x2 SPL.png 91452 006:00 795 KC.png 23071 001:30
+4 HP.png HP 6494 2399 Iron5.png Ultra-pure Iron x4, Fiber1.png Cotton x2, CW Red.png Candle Wolf Red Metal x2, Tuber1.png Scratch Metal x5, Iron6.png Special Steel x3 SPL.png 96024 007:00 835 KC.png 24225 001:40
Total Materials

Dark Rogue Leggings S Uncapped

Dark Rogue Leggings S Uncapped 19.png Dark Rogue Leggings S ★★★★ (Faction: Candle Wolf)
Level Required DEF Materials SPL Cost R&D Time Durability KC Cost Restock
+5 HP.png HP 6600 2470 Aluminum6.png Aluminum Alloy 9048 x1 SPL.png 100825 003:00 3435 KC.png 59790 002:00
+6 HP.png HP 6732 2544 Aluminum6.png Aluminum Alloy 9048 x1 SPL.png 101833 004:00 3503 KC.png 60985 002:05
+7 HP.png HP 6866 2620 Aluminum6.png Aluminum Alloy 9048 x1 SPL.png 102851 005:00 3573 KC.png 62205 002:10
+8 HP.png HP 7003 2699 Aluminum6.png Aluminum Alloy 9048 x1 SPL.png 103880 006:00 3645 KC.png 63449 002:15
+9 HP.png HP 7144 2780 Aluminum6.png Aluminum Alloy 9048 x1, CW Orange.png Candle Wolf Orange Metal x1, Iron7.png Chrome-Moly x1 SPL.png 104918 007:00 3718 KC.png 64718 002:20
+10 HP.png HP 7286 2863 Aluminum6.png Aluminum Alloy 9048 x1, CW Orange.png Candle Wolf Orange Metal x1, Iron7.png Chrome-Moly x1 SPL.png 105968 008:00 3792 KC.png 66012 002:25
+11 HP.png HP 7432 2949 Aluminum6.png Aluminum Alloy 9048 x1, CW Orange.png Candle Wolf Orange Metal x1, Iron7.png Chrome-Moly x1 SPL.png 107027 009:00 3868 KC.png 67333 002:30
+12 HP.png HP 7581 3037 Aluminum6.png Aluminum Alloy 9048 x1, CW Orange.png Candle Wolf Orange Metal x1, Iron7.png Chrome-Moly x1, Oil8.png Fatback x1 SPL.png 108098 010:00 3945 KC.png 68679 002:35
+13 HP.png HP 7732 3128 Aluminum6.png Aluminum Alloy 9048 x1, CW Orange.png Candle Wolf Orange Metal x1, Iron7.png Chrome-Moly x1, Oil8.png Fatback x1 SPL.png 109179 011:00 4024 KC.png 70053 002:40
+14 HP.png HP 7887 3222 Aluminum6.png Aluminum Alloy 9048 x1, CW Orange.png Candle Wolf Orange Metal x2, CW Platinum.png Candle Wolf Platinum Metal x1,
Iron7.png Chrome-Moly x2, Oil8.png Fatback x1
SPL.png 110270 012:00 4105 KC.png 71454 002:45
+15 HP.png HP 8045 3319 Aluminum6.png Aluminum Alloy 9048 x1, CW Orange.png Candle Wolf Orange Metal x2, CW Platinum.png Candle Wolf Platinum Metal x1,
Iron7.png Chrome-Moly x2, Oil8.png Fatback x1
SPL.png 111373 013:00 4187 KC.png 72883 002:50
+16 HP.png HP 8206 3419 Aluminum6.png Aluminum Alloy 9048 x1, CW Orange.png Candle Wolf Orange Metal x2, CW Platinum.png Candle Wolf Platinum Metal x1,
Iron7.png Chrome-Moly x2, Oil8.png Fatback x1
SPL.png 112487 014:00 4270 KC.png 74341 002:55
+17 HP.png HP 8370 3521 Aluminum6.png Aluminum Alloy 9048 x1, CW Orange.png Candle Wolf Orange Metal x2, CW Platinum.png Candle Wolf Platinum Metal x1,
Iron7.png Chrome-Moly x2, Oil8.png Fatback x1
SPL.png 113612 015:00 4356 KC.png 75828 003:00
+18 HP.png HP 8537 3627 Aluminum6.png Aluminum Alloy 9048 x1, CW Orange.png Candle Wolf Orange Metal x2, CW Platinum.png Candle Wolf Platinum Metal x1,
Iron7.png Chrome-Moly x2, Oil8.png Fatback x1
SPL.png 114748 016:00 4443 KC.png 77344 003:05
+19 HP.png HP 8708 3736 Aluminum6.png Aluminum Alloy 9048 x1, CW Orange.png Candle Wolf Orange Metal x3, CW Platinum.png Candle Wolf Platinum Metal x1,
Iron7.png Chrome-Moly x3, Oil8.png Fatback x1
SPL.png 115895 017:00 4532 KC.png 78891 003:10
Total Materials

Blueprint Locations

  • Rogue Leggings

Rogue's Armor

The total defensive stats for this set are: +18% Slashing resistance, -10% Blunt resistance, -10% Piercing resistance, -10% Fire resistance, and -10% Electric resistance.