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Fireworks Launcher

Fireworks Launcher Set 1.png

Fireworks Launcher Set 2.png

Fireworks Launcher Set 3.png

Fireworks Launcher Set 4.png

Rage Move Cosmic Strike — Fire a large blast of fireworks.
Guard Power C
Ammo 15/ 45
15/ 285 (Uncap)
Rage Cost 2
Degradation N/A
Faction D.O.D. ARMS

Fireworks are weapons in Let it Die. These are likely to be the first ranged weapons you come across in the Tower, and while they seem a bit on the weird side, they can be pretty potent weapons when you put in the effort to level them up. They also come with a special side effect: shooting beasts with this weapon will instantly cook them, so having one on you can be very useful. At a higher mastery rank, fireworks become fiery orbs that stick to enemies and then explode.

Fireworks Launchers feature an incredibly powerful Rage Move that can easily take out entire groups... but it's also dangerous to use. The Rage Move's delayed launch and slight bounce make it difficult to predict, especially in tight spaces or against enemies who've already seen you. It tends to work best against unaware enemies or enemies that aren't likely to come within melee range.

Variants include the very rare Dragon.

Decal Effect
Pyrotechnician ★★★★
Special Strengthening
Fireworks + Texas Farmer armor bonus.
Equip 1 piece: Defense +10%. Equip 2: +20%. Equip 3: +30%.
Full set: 50% chance Fireworks ammo and Durability won't decrease from regular attacks.
Fireworks Addict ★★★★
Special Strengthening
Attack Power +30% for Fireworks.

NOTE: Helmet bonus does not count towards meeting the requirement for being able to use gear.

Fireworks Launcher

Fireworks Launcher 4.png Fireworks Launcher (Faction: D.O.D. ARMS)
Level Required ATK Materials SPL Cost R&D Time Durability KC Cost Restock
Base HP.png HP 200 20 Aluminum1.png Aluminum Scraps x1 SPL.png 5 000:01 1400 KC.png 3000 000:01
+1 HP.png HP 204 21 Aluminum1.png Aluminum Scraps x1 SPL.png 7 000:03 1470 KC.png 3150 000:02
+2 HP.png HP 208 23 Aluminum1.png Aluminum Scraps x1 SPL.png 10 000:05 1543 KC.png 3307 000:03
+3 HP.png HP 212 25 Aluminum1.png Aluminum Scraps x2 SPL.png 14 000:07 1620 KC.png 3472 000:04
+4 HP.png HP 216 28 Aluminum1.png Aluminum Scraps x3 SPL.png 21 000:09 1701 KC.png 3646 000:05
Damage Type
  • 90% Piercing.png Piercing
  • 10% Fire.png Fire

Total Materials

Fireworks Launcher +

Fireworks Launcher Plus 4.png Fireworks Launcher + ★★ (Faction: D.O.D. ARMS)
Level Required ATK Materials SPL Cost R&D Time Durability KC Cost Restock
Base HP.png HP 280 51 Aluminum2.png Aluminum Can x1, Oil2.png Vegetable Oil x1, DOD Green.png D.O.D. ARMS Green Metal x1 SPL.png 500 000:10 1400 KC.png 5310 000:08
+1 HP.png HP 285 55 Aluminum2.png Aluminum Can x1, Oil2.png Vegetable Oil x1, DOD Green.png D.O.D. ARMS Green Metal x1 SPL.png 775 000:15 1470 KC.png 5575 000:10
+2 HP.png HP 291 60 Aluminum2.png Aluminum Can x2, Oil2.png Vegetable Oil x2, DOD Green.png D.O.D. ARMS Green Metal x1 SPL.png 1201 000:20 1543 KC.png 5854 000:12
+3 HP.png HP 297 66 Aluminum2.png Aluminum Can x3, Oil2.png Vegetable Oil x3, DOD Green.png D.O.D. ARMS Green Metal x1 SPL.png 1861 000:25 1620 KC.png 6146 000:14
+4 HP.png HP 303 71 Aluminum2.png Aluminum Can x4, Oil2.png Vegetable Oil x4, DOD Green.png D.O.D. ARMS Green Metal x1 SPL.png 2886 000:30 1701 KC.png 6454 000:16
Damage Type
  • 60% Piercing.png Piercing
  • 40% Fire.png Fire

Total Materials

Fireworks Blaster

Fireworks Blaster 4.png Fireworks Blaster ★★★ (Faction: D.O.D. ARMS)
Level Required ATK Materials SPL Cost R&D Time Durability KC Cost Restock
Base HP.png HP 1200 350 Aluminum4.png Pure Aluminum x2, Oil4.png Mineral Oil x2, DOD Red.png D.O.D. ARMS Red Metal x2,
WE Black.png War Ensemble Black Metal x1, Aluminum5.png Aluminum Alloy 7075 x1
SPL.png 25000 001:20 1400 KC.png 12250 000:30
+1 HP.png HP 1224 367 Aluminum4.png Pure Aluminum x2, Oil4.png Mineral Oil x2, DOD Red.png D.O.D. ARMS Red Metal x2,
WE Black.png War Ensemble Black Metal x1, Aluminum5.png Aluminum Alloy 7075 x1
SPL.png 26250 001:40 1470 KC.png 12862 000:35
+2 HP.png HP 1248 385 Aluminum4.png Pure Aluminum x3, Oil4.png Mineral Oil x2, DOD Red.png D.O.D. ARMS Red Metal x2,
WE Black.png War Ensemble Black Metal x1, Aluminum5.png Aluminum Alloy 7075 x1
SPL.png 27562 002:00 1543 KC.png 13505 000:40
+3 HP.png HP 1273 405 Aluminum4.png Pure Aluminum x4, Oil4.png Mineral Oil x2, DOD Red.png D.O.D. ARMS Red Metal x2,
WE Black.png War Ensemble Black Metal x1, Aluminum5.png Aluminum Alloy 7075 x1
SPL.png 28940 002:20 1620 KC.png 14180 000:45
+4 HP.png HP 1298 425 Aluminum4.png Pure Aluminum x5, Oil4.png Mineral Oil x2, DOD Red.png D.O.D. ARMS Red Metal x4,
WE Black.png War Ensemble Black Metal x1, Aluminum5.png Aluminum Alloy 7075 x3
SPL.png 30387 002:40 1701 KC.png 14889 000:50
Damage Type
  • 10% Piercing.png Piercing
  • 90% Fire.png Fire

Total Materials

Fireworks Blaster +

Fireworks Blaster Plus 4.png Fireworks Blaster + ★★★★ (Faction: D.O.D. ARMS)
Level Required ATK Materials SPL Cost R&D Time Durability KC Cost Restock
Base HP.png HP 6000 2367 Aluminum5.png Aluminum Alloy 7075 x6, Oil4.png Mineral Oil x4, DOD Red.png D.O.D. ARMS Red Metal x2 SPL.png 79100 003:00 1400 KC.png 16880 001:00
+1 HP.png HP 6120 2485 Aluminum5.png Aluminum Alloy 7075 x7, Oil4.png Mineral Oil x4, DOD Red.png D.O.D. ARMS Red Metal x2,
DOD Purple.png D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal x1
SPL.png 82950 004:00 1470 KC.png 17724 001:10
+2 HP.png HP 6242 2609 Aluminum5.png Aluminum Alloy 7075 x8, Oil4.png Mineral Oil x4, DOD Red.png D.O.D. ARMS Red Metal x2,
DOD Purple.png D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal x2
SPL.png 87097 005:00 1543 KC.png 18610 001:20
+3 HP.png HP 6367 2740 Aluminum5.png Aluminum Alloy 7075 x9, Oil4.png Mineral Oil x4, DOD Red.png D.O.D. ARMS Red Metal x2,
DOD Purple.png D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal x3, Copper6.png Beryllium Copper x1
SPL.png 91452 006:00 1620 KC.png 19540 001:30
+4 HP.png HP 6494 2877 Aluminum5.png Aluminum Alloy 7075 x10, Oil4.png Mineral Oil x4, DOD Red.png D.O.D. ARMS Red Metal x2,
DOD Purple.png D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal x4, Copper6.png Beryllium Copper x2
SPL.png 96024 007:00 1701 KC.png 20517 001:40
Damage Type
  • 10% Piercing.png Piercing
  • 90% Fire.png Fire

Total Materials

Fireworks Blaster + Uncapped

Fireworks Blaster Plus Uncapped 19.png Fireworks Blaster + ★★★★ (Faction: D.O.D. ARMS)
Level Required ATK Materials SPL Cost R&D Time Durability KC Cost Restock
+5 HP.png HP 6600 2959 DOD Purple.png D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal x2 SPL.png 100825 003:00 7000 KC.png 50640 002:00
+6 HP.png HP 6732 3047 DOD Purple.png D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal x2 SPL.png 101833 004:00 7140 KC.png 51652 002:05
+7 HP.png HP 6866 3139 DOD Purple.png D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal x2 SPL.png 102851 005:00 7282 KC.png 52685 002:10
+8 HP.png HP 7003 3233 Iron7.png Chrome-Moly x1, DOD Purple.png D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal x2, DOD Orange.png D.O.D. ARMS Orange Metal x1 SPL.png 103880 006:00 7428 KC.png 53739 002:15
+9 HP.png HP 7144 3330 Iron7.png Chrome-Moly x1, DOD Purple.png D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal x2, DOD Orange.png D.O.D. ARMS Orange Metal x1 SPL.png 104918 007:00 7577 KC.png 54814 002:20
+10 HP.png HP 7286 3430 Iron7.png Chrome-Moly x1, DOD Purple.png D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal x2, DOD Orange.png D.O.D. ARMS Orange Metal x1 SPL.png 105968 008:00 7728 KC.png 55910 002:25
+11 HP.png HP 7432 3533 Iron7.png Chrome-Moly x1, DOD Purple.png D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal x2, DOD Orange.png D.O.D. ARMS Orange Metal x1 SPL.png 107027 009:00 7883 KC.png 57028 002:30
+12 HP.png HP 7581 3639 Iron7.png Chrome-Moly x2, Copper8.png Orichalcum x1, DOD Purple.png D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal x2, DOD Orange.png D.O.D. ARMS Orange Metal x2,
DOD Platinum.png D.O.D. ARMS Platinum Metal x1
SPL.png 108098 010:00 8040 KC.png 58169 002:35
+13 HP.png HP 7732 3748 Iron7.png Chrome-Moly x2, Copper8.png Orichalcum x1, DOD Purple.png D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal x2, DOD Orange.png D.O.D. ARMS Orange Metal x2,
DOD Platinum.png D.O.D. ARMS Platinum Metal x1
SPL.png 109179 011:00 8201 KC.png 59332 002:40
+14 HP.png HP 7887 3860 Iron7.png Chrome-Moly x2, Copper8.png Orichalcum x1, DOD Purple.png D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal x2, DOD Orange.png D.O.D. ARMS Orange Metal x2,
DOD Platinum.png D.O.D. ARMS Platinum Metal x1
SPL.png 110270 012:00 8365 KC.png 60519 002:45
+15 HP.png HP 8045 3976 Iron7.png Chrome-Moly x2, Copper8.png Orichalcum x1, DOD Purple.png D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal x2, DOD Orange.png D.O.D. ARMS Orange Metal x2,
DOD Platinum.png D.O.D. ARMS Platinum Metal x1
SPL.png 111373 013:00 8532 KC.png 61729 002:50
+16 HP.png HP 8206 4095 Iron7.png Chrome-Moly x3, Copper8.png Orichalcum x1, DOD Purple.png D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal x2, DOD Orange.png D.O.D. ARMS Orange Metal x3,
DOD Platinum.png D.O.D. ARMS Platinum Metal x1
SPL.png 112487 014:00 8703 KC.png 62964 002:55
+17 HP.png HP 8370 4218 Iron7.png Chrome-Moly x3, Copper8.png Orichalcum x1, DOD Purple.png D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal x2, DOD Orange.png D.O.D. ARMS Orange Metal x3,
DOD Platinum.png D.O.D. ARMS Platinum Metal x1
SPL.png 113612 015:00 8877 KC.png 64223 003:00
+18 HP.png HP 8537 4345 Iron7.png Chrome-Moly x3, Copper8.png Orichalcum x1, DOD Purple.png D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal x2, DOD Orange.png D.O.D. ARMS Orange Metal x3,
DOD Platinum.png D.O.D. ARMS Platinum Metal x1
SPL.png 114748 016:00 9055 KC.png 65508 003:05
+19 HP.png HP 8708 4475 Iron7.png Chrome-Moly x3, Copper8.png Orichalcum x1, DOD Purple.png D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal x2, DOD Orange.png D.O.D. ARMS Orange Metal x3,
DOD Platinum.png D.O.D. ARMS Platinum Metal x1
SPL.png 115895 017:00 9236 KC.png 66818 003:10
Damage Type
  • 10% Piercing.png Piercing
  • 90% Fire.png Fire

Total Materials

Blueprint Locations

  • Fireworks Launcher


  • The Fireworks Launcher is an unassuming weapon early on in the first floors, its weak, doesn't stun opponents for long enough, and has a slow shot animation. Leveling up the master is tough, as you mainly need to use it as a finishing attack on weakened enemies.
  • You can lock onto nearby creatures for an accurate shot to cook them with. Just be careful about standing too close once the fireworks start doing AoE damage.
  • The Hit Chain, unlocked at mastery 6, makes the shot hit multiple (3-4?) times when it hits the opponent, adding more hitstun and improving the weapon dramatically
  • The Rage move, Cosmic Strike, is a VERY strong explosive attack, it can bounce off walls before it explodes, it can damage you too so be careful to not get caught in the blast. It still can be used without having any ammo.
  • Firework Gun Smash, unlocked at mastery 10, is a melee attack using the gun, its quick, but doesn't do full damage and uses up a great amount of durability so beware using it.

Mastery Levels

Meijin Tip
Meijin scrapbook.png Brighten Your Day

You have a Fireworks Weapon? Well, its attacks are bright and all, but it sure has a dark side. At first, it just shoots out fireworks, but up the Mastery Level and it'll fire orbs that stick to enemies and... you guessed it. Explode.

Level ABP Bonus Effect
1 0 Starting Rank.
2 5 MAtk.png Atk Power +1 Attack Power increased by 5%.
3 100 MAtk.png Atk Power +2 Attack Power increased by 10%.
4 200 MRage.png Rage Move +1 Rage Move Power increased by 10%.
5 300 MStamina.png Stamina Loss -1 Stamina Consumption reduced by 10%.
6 400 MSkill.png Atk 1: Hit Chain Bullet efficiency up,
if they hit enemies they will now stick before exploding.
7 550 MAtk.png Atk Power +3 Attack Power increased by 17%.
8 700 MGore.png Gore Bonus 1 Goretastic Attack EXP increased by 10%.
9 850 MAtk.png Atk Power +4 Attack Power increased by 24%.
10 1050 MSkill.png Atk 2: Skill Unlocked New Move! Firework Gun Smash using L1 or R1.
11 1250 MRage.png Rage Move +2 Rage Move Power increased by 25%.
12 1450 MAtk.png Atk Power +5 Attack Power increased by 31%.
13 1700 MGore.png Gore Bonus 2 Goretastic Attack EXP increased by 30%.
14 1950 MStamina.png Stamina Loss -2 Stamina Consumption reduced by 20%.
15 2200 MAtk.png Atk Power +5 Attack Power increased by 41%.
16 2500 MGore.png Gore Bonus 3 Kill Coins from Goretastic Attacks increased by 30%.
17 2800 MStamina.png Stamina Loss -3 Stamina Consumption Reduced by 30%.
18 3100 MRage.png Rage Move +3 Rage Move Power increased by 45%.
19 3450 MAtk.png Atk Power +7 Attack Power increased by 51%.
20 3800 MAtk.png Atk Power +8 Attack Power increased by 61%.

Rank 20 Bonus Summary

  • Attack Power increased by 61%.
  • Rage Move Power increased by 45%.
  • Stamina Consumption reduced by 30%.
  • EXP and Kill Coins from Goretastic Attacks increased by 30%.
  • Hit Chain: Shots linger and continue to cause damage before exploding. These can damage multiple opponents.
  • L1/R1 Move: Firework Gun Smash. This is a weak melee attack that consumes durability if it hits.

Rage Move Cosmic Strike — Fire a large blast of fireworks.
Guard Power C
Ammo 8/ 352
Rage Cost 2
Degradation N/A
Faction D.O.D. ARMS

The Dragon is a powerful Fireworks and one of the very rare TENGOKU Weapons. The blueprint can be rarely obtained from gold chests found after Hell Steel in NEO D.O.D.

Decal Effect
Pyrotechnician ★★★★
Special Strengthening
Fireworks + Texas Farmer armor bonus.
Equip 1 piece: Defense +10%. Equip 2: +20%. Equip 3: +30%.
Full set: 50% chance Fireworks ammo and Durability won't decrease from regular attacks.
Fireworks Addict ★★★★
Special Strengthening
Attack Power +30% for Fireworks.

NOTE: Helmet bonus does not count towards meeting the requirement for being able to use gear.


Dragon.png Dragon ★★★★★★★ (Faction: D.O.D. ARMS)
Level Required ATK Materials SPL Cost R&D Time Durability KC Cost Restock
Base HP.png HP 9800 3696 SPL.png 240000 006:00 8400 KC.png 100000 010:00
+1 HP.png HP 9996 3769 SPL.png 252000 007:00 8568 KC.png 105000 010:00
+2 HP.png HP 10195 3845 SPL.png 264600 008:00 8739 KC.png 110250 010:00
+3 HP.png HP 10399 3922 SPL.png 277830 009:00 8914 KC.png 115762 010:00
+4 HP.png HP 10607 4000 SPL.png 291721 010:00 9092 KC.png 121550 010:00
Damage Type
  • 10% Piercing.png Piercing
  • 90% Fire.png Fire

Total Materials

Blueprint Locations

  • Dragon
    • Can be found in NEO D.O.D in Golden Chests found after Hell Steel.


  • The Fireworks Launcher is an unassuming weapon early on in the first floors, its weak, doesn't stun opponents for long enough, and has a slow shot animation. Leveling up the master is tough, as you mainly need to use it as a finishing attack on weakened enemies.
  • You can lock onto nearby creatures for an accurate shot to cook them with. Just be careful about standing too close once the fireworks start doing AoE damage.
  • The Hit Chain, unlocked at mastery 6, makes the shot hit multiple (3-4?) times when it hits the opponent, adding more hitstun and improving the weapon dramatically
  • The Rage move, Cosmic Strike, is a VERY strong explosive attack, it can bounce off walls before it explodes, it can damage you too so be careful to not get caught in the blast. It still can be used without having any ammo.
  • Firework Gun Smash, unlocked at mastery 10, is a melee attack using the gun, its quick, but doesn't do full damage and uses up a great amount of durability so beware using it.
  • Dragon has faster attack speed than the regular Firework Launcher.
  • This weapon has a 5% degradation rate.

Mastery Levels

Meijin Tip
Meijin scrapbook.png Brighten Your Day

You have a Fireworks Weapon? Well, its attacks are bright and all, but it sure has a dark side. At first, it just shoots out fireworks, but up the Mastery Level and it'll fire orbs that stick to enemies and... you guessed it. Explode.

Level ABP Bonus Effect
1 0 Starting Rank.
2 5 MAtk.png Atk Power +1 Attack Power increased by 5%.
3 100 MAtk.png Atk Power +2 Attack Power increased by 10%.
4 200 MRage.png Rage Move +1 Rage Move Power increased by 10%.
5 300 MStamina.png Stamina Loss -1 Stamina Consumption reduced by 10%.
6 400 MSkill.png Atk 1: Hit Chain Bullet efficiency up,
if they hit enemies they will now stick before exploding.
7 550 MAtk.png Atk Power +3 Attack Power increased by 17%.
8 700 MGore.png Gore Bonus 1 Goretastic Attack EXP increased by 10%.
9 850 MAtk.png Atk Power +4 Attack Power increased by 24%.
10 1050 MSkill.png Atk 2: Skill Unlocked New Move! Firework Gun Smash using L1 or R1.
11 1250 MRage.png Rage Move +2 Rage Move Power increased by 25%.
12 1450 MAtk.png Atk Power +5 Attack Power increased by 31%.
13 1700 MGore.png Gore Bonus 2 Goretastic Attack EXP increased by 30%.
14 1950 MStamina.png Stamina Loss -2 Stamina Consumption reduced by 20%.
15 2200 MAtk.png Atk Power +5 Attack Power increased by 41%.
16 2500 MGore.png Gore Bonus 3 Kill Coins from Goretastic Attacks increased by 30%.
17 2800 MStamina.png Stamina Loss -3 Stamina Consumption Reduced by 30%.
18 3100 MRage.png Rage Move +3 Rage Move Power increased by 45%.
19 3450 MAtk.png Atk Power +7 Attack Power increased by 51%.
20 3800 MAtk.png Atk Power +8 Attack Power increased by 61%.

Rank 20 Bonus Summary

  • Attack Power increased by 61%.
  • Rage Move Power increased by 45%.
  • Stamina Consumption reduced by 30%.
  • EXP and Kill Coins from Goretastic Attacks increased by 30%.
  • Hit Chain: Shots linger and continue to cause damage before exploding. These can damage multiple opponents.
  • L1/R1 Move: Firework Gun Smash. This is a weak melee attack that consumes durability if it hits.