Hell Steel

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Slash +012% Blunt +024% Piercing +012%
Fire -024% Electric -024% Poison +024%
60F / 70F 91990 HP
80F / 90F 102211 HP
100F 113568 HP


Location Rewards
60F, 70F, 80F, 90F, 100F
KC.png Free
DOD 44CE H.png D.O.D. ARMS 44CE Metal H
DOD Platinum.png D.O.D. ARMS Platinum Metal
DOD Orange.png D.O.D. ARMS Orange Metal
DOD 44CE.png D.O.D. ARMS 44CE Metal
DOD Purple.png D.O.D. ARMS Purple Metal
DRPurple.png Death 'Roids (Purple)
DRRed.png Death 'Roids (Red)
DRBlack.png Death 'Roids (Black)
DRGreen.png Death 'Roids (Green)
Icon2Head.png Hell Steel Head BP
Icon3Body.png Hell Steel Body BP
Icon4Legs.png Hell Steel Leggings BP
Icon1Weapon.png Hell Spike Crusher BP
Icon1Weapon.png Viral Massager BP
KC.png Kill Coins
Icon1Weapon.png Dragon BP
  • Hell Steel will always appear on floors 60F, 70F, 80F, 90F, and 100F of NEO D.O.D.
  • Although he always appears on "HELL" difficulty, he becomes stronger on 80F and again at 100F.
  • There is no Kill Coin cost to start the fight, however, dying will now result in a 250k recovery cost, as it would anywhere else in Tengoku.
  • Defeating him rewards 3 Gold Chests, which can contain any of the listed rewards, and 1 Legendary Chest (only rewards marked with †).
  • After the fight, the room with the chests has a chance to spawn a shroom, which can be a Mega Splattershroom.

Fight Strategy


While the arena itself is unchanged from White Steel's normal encounter, all of your D.O.D. ARMS weapons and armor are now 10x stronger. Hell Steel's strength is in line with this, so you are highly advised to bring your strongest D.O.D. gear.



Hell Steel negates the same shrooms as White Steel, however, shroom buffs are now removed when the fight starts, meaning you can no-longer pre-shroom him. This is more of an issue now with Hell Steel being significantly stronger than he used to be, making shroom buffs very appreciated. Though, due to the nature of the area, you shouldn't expect to have them grilled every time, as fires in NEO D.O.D to cook shrooms with are much rarer.

One method to safely eat shrooms is by throwing one or two Decoyshrooms through the gate, before the fight starts, towards the back of the room. Be sure to hit the ground, NOT the wall, or else the decoy won't spawn. If throwing multiple, keep them far enough apart so one doesn't blow up the other. If you do this strat, you should skip the cutscene, as the decoy timer will still go down while watching it otherwise. Have one of the shrooms you want to eat selected, and start the fight. When it starts, immediately start eating your shrooms. Hell Steel will target the decoy(s) instead of you, though he will only take 1 damage from them and the explosion will not knock him down. It is important to eat your shrooms as soon as the fight begins, as Hell Steel will make short work of any decoys, leaving you with only a few seconds of opportunity.

Umbrella Rib Fungus and Cateye Shrooms will be good both for attacking Hell Steel unimpeded, as well as giving you time for eating other buff shrooms. For that purpose, Slowmungus will still work, even though the effect will be negated after the first hit. Ideally, use a combination of either Crushrooms or any Stingshroom variant, and an Oakshroom using a weapon's rage move.

Transparungus (Includes the Archer's Bow Rage Move)
Slowmungus (Upon hit)
Snailshroom / Golden Snailshroom
Stingshroom / Golden Stingshroom / Red Stingshroom
Dragonshroom / Golden Dragonshroom
Lifeshroom / Golden Lifeshroom
Vampire Fungus / Golden Vampire Fungus
Oakshroom / Golden Oakshroom
Umbrella Rib Fungus
Cateye Shroom
Boomshroom / Punchshroom / Lavashroom
Fluffy Fungus
Brainshroom / False Brainshroom
Frongus / Croakstool
Fishy Fungus / Golden Fishy Fungus / Boleoshroom
Evershroom / Golden Evershroom


Jackal Sword (R/D) / Beam Katana

Buzzsaw / Electro Trigger


Pickaxe / Death Stalker

Nail Gun

Welding Gun

Drill / TDM Drill

Iron / King Baboon

Chopper / Predator

Fireworks / Dragon

Chainsaw / Black Mamba

Spike Crusher / Hell Spike Crusher

Static Massager / Viral Massager


Yes/No Knife


As with normal White Steel, decals like Giant Killer and One Shot One Kill have no effect, as Hell Steel has no level and cannot be headshot.

Hell Steel's attacks

Uncle Death Mail



Hell Steel Fight Predator Strategy

Video by Trustworthy Andy

Video by Say10zTripz 6

