Player Guides

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Complete Player Guides on the Wiki are currently a work in progress. Community members are encouraged to write their own, if possible. In the meantime, there are some other resources available online that any players in need of help are welcome to check.


Currently, the most active communities for this game are the Subreddit and Discord. Players are encouraged to join and ask questions, or post about their experiences.



Tower Map, Rotations & Resources Spreadsheet

Click here to view the spreadsheet.

This spreadsheet will show you the current day's map of the tower along with listing what materials you can find on each floor as well as other information such as the current express pass login reward, weapon scalings, and the LUK stat's critical hit chance bonus at various thresholds. It is currently maintained by Oberlinx & Kaito.

Tasty Tower Tactics

Tasty Tower Tactics was a video series sponsored by GungHo and hosted by Oberlinx, the largest Let It Die streamer. It is a 5-part series intended as an introduction to the Tower of Barbs.

Playlist Link:

Tips and Tricks

Below are some valuable tips and guidelines to follow for both new and returning players:

  • Do not waste Death Metals on reviving your Fighter or Dustin in the lower floors. The most important primary use of Death Metals in the game is to expand your storage space, as collecting resources is vital to progress and you will never regret spending them to expand your storage. It costs 2 Death Metals per 10 storage slots and can be done from the Direct Hell menu. It is advised to upgrade storage until you have at least 500 slots. Reviving is often a bad idea as dying is typically a sign you are underprepared for where you are or that you need to practice against a certain weapon more. In both cases a revive will often be followed by another death shortly afterwards and it will likely be less costly in the long run to simply cut your losses and come back later, stronger and with a clear head. Death metals are not as abundant as the early game quests try to make you think they are and relying on them to make progress will leave you stuck and frustrated when you run out. After all the game is called Let It Die, not Let It Revive.
  • Get a head start on the upgrading process by grabbing as many materials as you can to store for later R&D projects. Planning ahead for what you need is encouraged.
  • The best permanently available early armor set in the game is the Night Scout Set which can be difficult to get the chest & legs for (you can skip the helmet, it's not that good) but boasts excellent defense and resistances while also being fairly easy to upgrade compared to most armors. Good early weapons include things like the Machete for consistent Slash damage with an easy moveset to understand, the Pickaxe for slow but massive Slash damage and at higher mastery a forced stun alternate attack, the Red Hot Iron for burst damage against bosses and multi-hitting strong enemies to erode their armor durability, and the Magnum which at higher mastery has unblockable bullets along with the capability to stun-lock non-boss enemies by simply firing repeatedly until you need to reload and being fairly easy to upgrade compared to most weapons. After upgrading those, seek to upgrade whatever weapon fits the appropriate damage types needed for the section of Tower you're on. All physical damage types are good for 1-10, but all elements perform a little worse. Armor in this section is typically bad enough that resists don't really matter though. Slash, Blunt, & Electric are ideal for 11-20 but Pierce & Poison are much worse. Blunt, Pierce, Fire, & Electric is ideal for 21-30, but Slash will perform significantly worse. However, Pierce is extremely bad vs the boss at F30 and it may be difficult to get any Pierce weapons upgraded enough to contend with the overall defense spike in this zone. Slash, Pierce, & Fire are ideal for 31-40 but Blunt & Electric are resisted. However, Blunt remains effective against all bosses.
  • It's heavily advised against that you attempt to defeat the Forcemen or Jackals during your run through the base game 40 floors. Your equipment & fighters will not realistically be able to put up a fight against them. Forcemen have timers on their fights making it impossible to just dodge and slowly chip them down, and Jackals have timers between each spawn that will likely result in you facing multiple at once. After you have cleared F40, visit their respective pages to get an idea of what you're really up against.
  • In Tengoku, the first post-game area after completing the base game, you will find Death Metals useful for more than just your storage space now. Sending Tier 7 and Tier 8 materials back down to your waiting room through the Dustin depositing machines will be vital for consistent progress, as they are extremely rare to find. Additionally, before and when you reach Tengoku, make sure you avoid using Bloodnium on fighters that are weaker than Grade 6.
  • Some 4 star decals can be quite useful, and almost all 5 stars are extremely powerful. When it comes to recycling your decals always keep in mind that the pool is quite large and you may end up never pulling the same decal of these rarities twice. Some players make the mistake of shredding powerful decals to rush for the RE blueprints in Hernia not realizing exactly how bad a decision it is. Those blueprints aren't going anywhere, take your time to get them only by shredding unwanted duplicates.
  • Be sure to make use of Mushrooms! There are many different difficulty spikes in the base game alone, one notably being defeating the mid-bosses of the 21-30f Candle Wolf section of the Tower. Mushrooms are almost necessary to overcome these difficulty spikes as typically many players find themselves breezing through the first 10 to 20 floors without having to use them much. Some players may claim mushrooms are some sort of "cheat", but mushroom usage is an intended part of your journey to the top so take advantage of whatever you may find! Your experience with the tower is your own and you should feel no shame in playing it with all the help the developers intended.
  • Tokyo Death Metro (referred to as TDM) is a great consistent way to farm Kill Coins and SPLithium in the early game, and continues to be such in the later stages of the game. However, ascending in rank too quickly from repeated raids can often find you "stuck" with bases that might be too strong to raid. The community Discord has a channel dedicated to coordinating with players of either console to find bases that are "free raids," often being hosted by volunteer users in the Discord. If you find yourself stuck, join and don't be afraid to ask!