Chudo - 6F

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Chudo - 6F
Enemies Beasts
This area contains the following enemies:

and rarely:
This area contains 15 beasts from among:
Materials Shrooms
This area contains 3 materials from among:
This area contains 2 shrooms from among:
Heartshroom, Toughshroom, Crushroom, Boomshroom, Fluffy Fungus, Doomshroom, Yogashroom

Welcome to Chudo, an area on Floor 6 of the Tower of Barbs!

Chudo appears only during rotation 4a (Fridays). It contains the sixth Stamp Terminal.


Chudo often spawns many Frog and Rat Beasts, and will sometimes contain a Golden Frog or Golden Rat. This makes Chudo great for farming Quests that require you to capture beasts.

Connecting Areas