Heimo-Jima - 6F

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Heimo-Jima - 6F
Enemies Beasts
This area contains the following enemies:
This area contains 2 beasts from among:
Materials Shrooms
This area contains 3 materials from among:

or rarely:
This area contains 2 shrooms from among:
Heartshroom, Toughshroom, Crushroom, Boomshroom, Fluffy Fungus, Doomshroom, Yogashroom

Welcome to Heimo-Jima, an area on Floor 6 of the Tower of Barbs!

Heimo-Jima appears only during rotation 2 (Tuesday and Saturdays).


Heimo-Jima is a small area, but a very useful one. It's comprised of a single corridor connecting two escalators and contains around 25 Scratch Tubers. This makes it excellent for gathering Kill Coins, experience, and Scratch Metal - especially since taking an escalator and immediately coming back will reset the area, allowing it to be farmed endlessly.

This area also contains a Hater, a scorpion or two, and a red chest.

Connecting Areas